This chapter summarizes current constitutional design regarding the dissolution of Parliament and the impeachment of President. It is based on the review of national constitutions and seeks to establish a common ground for writing and amending constitutions. The first part of the chapter focuses on who is empowered to dissolve parliament and the conditions as well as the limitations for the dissolution. In respect to impeachment clause, the aim is not to draft an anti-impeachment clause by reviewing both the organ and majority needed for initiating an impeachment, then turning to the misconduct of the President and their defence rights to arrive at the majority required during the decision making and importantly, the timeframe governing the impeachment process. This chapter argues to leave the judicial findings relating to the impeachment in the hands of the judiciary and not of the legislature and forms part of Vol. I of Writing Constitutions.

ICD Institute of Constitutional Development
3 Dolphin St
Randwick NSW 2031 Australia